Free resources from the community for Foster/Adopt/Kin families (New!)
Tatum's Totes- contact Elizabeth Grimes- Founder/Owner- to find out what is needed for donations or if you need a tote for a new placement. She can be reached at:
Don't see a resource you know about- contact us.
Are you interested in helping your district - let us know.
DCF Office: Phone: (802) 442-8138
Fax: (802) 447-2808 Suite 14, 200 Veterans Memorial Drive, Bennington, VT 05201-1956
Cities & Towns Served: Arlington, Bennington, Bondville, Dorset, Glastenbury, Hartwellville, Landgrove, Manchester, Peru, Pownal, Readsboro, Rupert, Sandgate, Searsburg, Shaftsbury, Stamford, Sunderland, Winhall, Woodford