Foster/Adoptive Family
Statewide Resources
- Free New Car seats
- Free State Park passes for foster kids & family punch cards
- Free Bikes
- Tatum's Totes
- Medicaid (free diapers)
Free Cross fit Gym membership for foster/adoptive kids (coming soon)
Mentor a peer foster parent or need a foster parent peer mentor?
Foster/Adoptive/Kin Parents support groups- send a FB request to "Foster Anderson" asking to be connectied to a group in your area, and she will verify you are a FP/Adopt/kin family.
Youth Resources
Legislation and Advocacy:
​Information is provided for interested parties. Amy's Armoire is unable to use our platform to advocate for or against any legislation or political entity.
H.265: An Office of Child Advocate for Vermont- the link to the bill and progress on the bill is on this one page overview.
VtDigger article on the Office of the Child, Youth, and Family Advocates.
Resolution S.16: Relating to the creation of the School Discipline Advisory Council
Foster Care Child Placing Agencies: