Free resources for Foster/Adopt/Kin families through community supports
Tatum's totes through Green Mtn United Way - Carrie Stahler at
Free Clothes for Foster/Adopt/Kin families- For children within the first year of placement, when a family is in financial need, or there is a substantial change warranting a new wardrobe that would cause financial hardship - Contact Amy.
Foster Care support/mentor network- Contact Amy
Teen Center- Montpelier
Youth Development Program - Washington County
Children's Mental Health services - Washington County
Domestic Violence support- Washington County
Domestic Violence support- Orange County
Do you know of a resource in Barre District not listed, look under statewide services to but if it still isn't there, contact us.
DCF Office:
Phone: (802) 479-4260 Fax: (802) 476-1660 255 North Main St, Suite 7, Barre, VT 05641-4189
Cities & Towns Served:
Adamant, Barre City, Barre Town, Berlin, Braintree, Brookfield, Cabot, Calais, Colbyville, Duxbury, East Granville, E & N Montpelier, Fairmont, Fayston, Foxville, Graniteville, Kents Corner, Lanesboro, Maple Corner, Marshfield, Middlesex, Montpelier, Moretown, Northfield, Orange, Plainfield, Putnamville, Riverton, Roxbury, Waitsfield, Warren, Washington, Waterbury, Websterville, Williamstown, Worcester