Free resources from the community for Foster/Adopt/Kin families
Foster Care District rep - to connect to the foster care network- Nicole Stetson
Don't see a resource you know about- contact us.
Are you interested in helping your district - let us know.
DCF Office:
Phone: (802) 527-7741
Fax: (802) 527-5404 27 Federal Street, Suite 300, St. Albans, VT 05478-2247
Cities & Towns Served:
Alburg, Bakersfield, Berkshire, Binghamville, Boedonville, Bordoville, Enosburg, Fairfax, Fairfield, Fisk, Fletcher, Franklin, Georgia, Gordon Lodge, Grand Isle, Greens Corner, Highgate, Isle La Motte, Missisquoi, Montgomery, Morris Line, North Hero, Oakland, Richford, St. Albans, St. Albans Town, Sheldon, South Hero, Stevens Mills, Swanton