Free resources from the Community for Foster/Adopt/Kin families
Tatum's Totes-Morrisville Chapter-contact Sandi to find out what is needed for donations or if you need a tote for a new placement. She can be reached at: 802-760-0541
Free or low cost clothes for foster/adoptive families-by appointment
Don't see a resource you know about- contact us.
Are you interested in helping your district - let us know.
DCF Office:
Phone: (802) 888-4576
Fax: (802) 888-1343 63 Professional Drive, Suite 3, Morrisville, VT 05661-8522
Cities & Towns Served:
Belvidere, Cady Falls, Cambridge, Centerville, Craftsbury, Eden, Elmore, Greensboro, Hardwick, Hyde Park, Jeffersonville, Johnson, Lake Elmore, Morristown, Morrisville, Moscow, Mt. Mansfield, Pleasant Valley, Stannard, Stowe, Waterville, Wolcott, Woodbury