Free resources from the community for foster/adopt/kin families (New!)
Tatum's Totes- Springfield Chapter- contact Nicole or Sherry to find out what is needed for donations or if you need a tote for a new placement.
Free Clothes to Foster/Adoptive/Kin parents- Mondays 10-noon or by appointment
District Rep- To get connected to the Foster care network
Is there a resource you know of that isn't listed, let us know.
Are you interested in helping your district, let us know.
DCF Office:
Phone: (802) 289-0648
Fax: (802) 885-8921 100 Mineral Street, Suite 101, Springfield, VT 05156-3166
Cities & Towns Served:
Amsden, Andover, Ascutney, Baltimore, Bartonsville, Brockway Mills, Brownsville, Cavendish, Chester, Downers, Felchville, Gassetts, Houghtonville, Ludlow, Perkinsville, Plymouth, Proctorsville, Reading, Simonville, Springfield, Tyson, Weathersfield, West Windsor, Weston, Windsor